Breathe in the Benefits: A Guide to Aromatherapy Vapor Rubs

Do you ever feel like you just can't shake a stuffy nose or persistent cough? Finding relief can be a daunting task, but with the power of aromatherapy, it doesn't have to be. Aromatherapy vapor rubs provide a natural and effective way to alleviate symptoms of congestion, coughs, and colds. In this guide, we'll explore the world of aromatherapy vapor rubs, how they can benefit you and your family, give you a DIY recipe to make your own vapor rub, as well as share some organic formulas for kids that you can find on Amazon.

What are Aromatherapy Vapor Rubs?

Aromatherapy vapor rubs are natural remedies that use essential oils to help alleviate respiratory ailments. These rubs are applied to the chest and throat area, allowing the essential oils to be inhaled and absorbed through the skin. The active ingredients in essential oils are capable of breaking up mucus and reducing inflammation in airways, opening up air passages for easier breathing. Some of the most popular essential oils used in aromatherapy vapor rubs include eucalyptus, peppermint, and rosemary.

  • The Benefits of Aromatherapy Vapor Rubs
  • Aromatherapy vapor rubs can provide various benefits to your health and wellness, such as:
  • Relief from congestion, coughs, and colds
  • Eases symptoms of allergies and sinus issues
  • Provides a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals
  • Destress & fight Insomnia
  • Add moments of relaxation in moments of anxiety and depression
  • Enhances breathing

How to Use Aromatherapy Vapor Rubs

Using an aromatherapy vapor rub is super simple. Just apply a small amount of the rub to your chest and throat area, making sure to avoid sensitive areas like the eyes, inside of nose, and mouth area. Take a deep breath in to inhale the scent, and repeat as needed throughout the day or during coughs or congestion.

Aromatherapy vapor rubs can also be used in conjunction with a warm compress to enhance the effects and are great for children when you want to avoid medication but they're still needing immediate relief.

Choosing the Right Aromatherapy Vapor Rub

When choosing an aromatherapy vapor rub, consider the essential oils used. If you're looking for relief from congestion, eucalyptus and peppermint oils are popular choices. If sleep is your goal, look for blends with lavender or chamomile oils. Additionally, consider the ingredients used in the rub. Look for natural options that don't contain artificial fragrances, parabens, or petroleum products. A great option if you want to know exactly what is in the product? Make it yourself!

Making Your Own Aromatherapy Vapor Rub

If you're a DIY enthusiast, consider making your own aromatherapy vapor rub. All you need are carrier oils (such as coconut or olive oil), essential oils, and beeswax. Melt the beeswax and carrier oils together, then add your chosen essential oils. Pour the mixture into a jar and let it cool and solidify. You now have a natural and customized vapor rub that's perfect for your needs.

The following formula can be used for children ages three and up. For adults, feel free to double the quantities of the essential oils. Adults may also add 5 drops of rosemary essential oil to the mix for additional benefits.

DIY Vapor Rub Recipe:



  1. In a double boiler, melt the beeswax and carrier oil together.
  2. Once the ingredients are melted, remove from heat and stir in essential oils.
  3. Pour the mixture into a jar or tin and let cool completely (approximately 30 minutes).
  4. To use, apply a small amount of rub to chest and throat area, avoiding sensitive areas

Not a huge DIY-er? You can also add the essential oils mentioned about to our lavender cuticle balm. Just melt it slightly by scooping it out into a double boiler. When melted, turn off the heat and add in the oils. Then pour back into the original container and put the jar in the refrigerator until firm.

Here are few great options from Amazon:

Maty's Vapor Rub (ages 2+)

Oilogic Soothing Chest Rub (for infants and children)

Babo Botanicals Organic Eucalyptus Remedy

Badger Organic Chest Rub

Aromatherapy vapor rubs provide a natural and effective way to alleviate respiratory ailments and promote overall wellness. With the right essential oils and ingredients, you can create a personalized vapor rub that meets your specific needs. Say goodbye to synthetic pharmaceuticals and hello to the power of nature with aromatherapy vapor rubs.

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Roald Dahl